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Intensive technology makes Apple demonst


In May 2020, the program of agricultural means supermarket of Agricultural Science Channel of Shando...

Yue Jiandong: great love paves the way f


In October 2018, general manager Yue Jiandong‘s poverty alleviation deeds were reported by Rongcheng...

Cuihong fruit Yue Jiandong: the first &q


On September 6, 2018, the first list of "top 10" new professional farmers in Weihai City w...

Rongcheng Yinong fruit planting and pove


On November 23, 2017, Rongcheng Yinong fruit planting and poverty alleviation professional cooperati...

Shandong's first joint stock industrial


In April 2017, relying on Huafeng fruit professional cooperative, the company invested more than 2.2...

Rongcheng Apple regional public brand st


On October 10, 2016, Rongcheng Apple regional public brand strategy conference was held in Rongcheng...

When is the best time to eat apples? Whe


Apple is sweet and sour, rich in nutrition, most people like to eat apple.But with the acceleration ...

Why Yantai apple is popular in China


Over the years, Yantai has actively promoted the brand construction of Yantai apple, and made Yantai...

Fruit freedom is expected


Fragrant apple, gorgeous strawberry, white melon, fragrant pineapple In spring, the seasonal fresh f...

Intensive technology makes Apple demonstration garden


In May 2020, the program of agricultural means supermarket of Agricultural Science Channel of Shandong TV station came i

Yue Jiandong: great love paves the way for poverty alleviation


In October 2018, general manager Yue Jiandong‘s poverty alleviation deeds were reported by Rongcheng TV station and

Cuihong fruit Yue Jiandong: the first "top ten" new professional farmer in the city


On September 6, 2018, the first list of "top 10" new professional farmers in Weihai City was announced, and ge

Rongcheng Yinong fruit planting and poverty alleviation professional cooperative held dividend


On November 23, 2017, Rongcheng Yinong fruit planting and poverty alleviation professional cooperative held a dividend

Shandong's first joint stock industrial poverty alleviation cooperative unveiled


In April 2017, relying on Huafeng fruit professional cooperative, the company invested more than 2.2 million yuan in 38

Rongcheng Apple regional public brand strategy Conference


On October 10, 2016, Rongcheng Apple regional public brand strategy conference was held in Rongcheng Huaxing hotel. The

When is the best time to eat apples? When is the best time to eat apples


Apple is sweet and sour, rich in nutrition, most people like to eat apple.But with the acceleration of the pace of life, most

Why Yantai apple is popular in China


Over the years, Yantai has actively promoted the brand construction of Yantai apple, and made Yantai apple a well-known brand

Fruit freedom is expected


Fragrant apple, gorgeous strawberry, white melon, fragrant pineapple In spring, the seasonal fresh fruits on the major fruit

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