
Modern Fruit Industry Pathfinder

Weihai Cuihong Fruit Co., Ltd. was established in 2003. It is a provincial-level agricultural industrialization leading enterprise and a provincial-level poverty alleviation leading enterprise integrating apple seedling, planting, storage, processing, sales and leisure picking. The national-level non-toxic apple seedling base is also the only apple futures delivery factory warehouse in Weihai. It has a controlled atmosphere warehouse of 20,000 tons, a processing room of 12,000 square meters, an apple base of 4,000 acres, a non-toxic seedling base of 300 acres, and a yew base of 300 acres, with total assets of 250 million yuan. It is expected that the sales revenue during the abundance period will reach 120 million yuan or more. Cuihong Apple has won the Weihai Apple Challenge and the Gold Award in the 13th China International Agricultural Products Fair. Its products are sold well in Europe and the domestic high-end market. The company takes it as its mission to catch up with the world's advanced level of fruit industry, and break a path for the development of a modern fruit industry with Chinese characteristics.

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Weihai CuiHong Fruit Co., Ltd.


Pin Cuihong Apple, Enjoy a Delicious Life

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